FRIENDS REQUESTS   Reply to topic

Posted On: 12 Apr, 2012 at 03:34 PM chubbyluver chubbyluver
8 Apr, 2012
Posts: 3

I just wanted to let people know that unfortunately because of the rules of this site that I`m only allowed 3 friends and also cannot reply to private messaging. I feel terrible that I can`t accept friends requests or reply to people and just feel that I`m snubbing them. Hope this goes some way of explaining. Regards, chubbyluver

Posted On: 12 Apr, 2012 at 04:31 PM snoopy6969 snoopy6969
14 Aug, 2011
Posts: 2

Yes, got the same frustration for a long time now :)
Hope I`ll be pv tomorrow! ! !
Maybe the webmaster can grant non-members 5 pvt messages a month or so?
At least a wink system. . .

Posted On: 12 Apr, 2012 at 09:28 PM chubbyluver chubbyluver
8 Apr, 2012
Posts: 3

The thing is, I don`t see why I should pay. I post, that should be enough. There should be a middle ground

Posted On: 13 Apr, 2012 at 02:42 AM chubbyluver chubbyluver
8 Apr, 2012
Posts: 3

Of course I understand that mate but a bit of middle ground would be nice. I`m not asking for exclusive rights just an expansion on 3 friends. Not asking too much for a couple of posts

Posted On: 13 Apr, 2012 at 06:21 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

How about a few one-day premium access deals, hangin'? This could be a reward for a submitter and it could serve as a little taste of what to expect, which might generate a greater interest in premium memberships.

Posted On: 16 Apr, 2012 at 12:50 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 410

Hi guys thanks for your suggestions and I can understand this from all angles, at the end of the day we can only support the free area with what we get from memberships, we have servers/bandwidth ect all costing us, we can up what free members get but only when we make enough to cover the cost of doing it. You might not think that it would cost much to just add on a little of this and a bit of that but it does when your dealing with a site the size of PV, so sorry for now but we know how you feel.


Posted On: 16 Apr, 2012 at 06:50 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

I'm a premium member and yet I CAN'T post comments on my frens profile!!! I can't even wish my fren browneyes16 a happy birthday on main message board!!!

ED, you got any explaination for this? Can anyone help ED please?

Posted On: 17 Apr, 2012 at 06:35 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

I suppose I could go out on a limb and hazard a guess, but I can't speak for Ed or PV or anything.

Posted On: 17 Apr, 2012 at 12:25 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 410

Hi restlessjoe it would appear that you are currently on the naughty list here.


Posted On: 17 Apr, 2012 at 06:14 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

hahahahahahahaha!!! Can't help laughing ED!!! Never knew you can be sooo amusing!!! Since when PV had a sin bin? Can you please define 'NAUGHTY' ED?
Do I have to change my nick to naughtyjoe while sitting in that sin bin ED? Hey ED, I'm beginning to like your amusing ways!!!! Come back with more comical replies ED who knows, we may even end up as buddies!!! Or PV can even shut down funnyshit as you seem to provide more laughter than that section!!! lol!!! Have an exciting day, ED!!!!