I think its called thread hi-jacking. not nice!!!   Reply to topic

Posted On: 5 Aug, 2012 at 07:52 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 854

I'm pretty sure this is what it's called when someone comes into a thread and changes the subject or add's some post that messes up the whole thread. Either way it really needs to stop.

There is No reason to wonder why the threads get ignored, seems like noone can post something and it not be attacked or hi-jacked. There is threads to post just bullshit, for instance the anus thread, go there and post what ever crap you wana it's there for just that. Nothing could fuck that thread up.! lol

But the other threads peeps need to be respectful and stay with the subject the thread is about. I know these are open threads, but if this continues I think Ed should maybe take action and ban the (thread hi-jackers) from posting in the forums. Just my opinion. :)

funstuff xxoo

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 05:20 AM tony07601 tony07601
28 Jan, 2009
Posts: 26

well put Marie

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 06:24 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 854

See above, I rest my case. I didnt want anyone attacked, I was not pointing any one person out. The fact is it does matter, why? because its a matter of respect and forum etiquette. I have not been to many forums but i know some peeps that have and it seems that it's one of the rules (no thread hi-jacking) or you will be banned or your comments deleted.

If a person can not post a subject and it not get dragged from its orignal purpose, why post? It becomes a waste of time, and yes once in a while a off comment is funny or just adds to the thread, but thats not always the case. Gets old fast and people see that all they will get is some non useful-mean-rude comments.

So I guess it comes down to how we want our forums here at project voyeur to be. While back I saw a push for people to come to the forums, well I see what they see, and it's not very inviting and I always think twice about posting here, just look at this thread now. As I said first, I rest my case. :)

funstuff xxoo

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 06:35 AM starcar starcar
21 Mar, 2009
Posts: 110

Yeah, sporks and anusus do get old.....but I'd eat a string of Maries shit just to see where it came from :)

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 09:03 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

I get you fun, and I do see where you're coming from, but I believe it's the wild and crazy turns that make forums fun at all. God knows, I've been around my share of forums over the years, porn, generic chat, gaming, organizational, and they're all mostly yawn fests within a short time.

Marie said it well. If you want private chat, go to private and chat. If you're posting on semi-public forums, people are going to see it and put their own two cents in, which may or may not adhere to the original topic. That's how conversations become fun, actually.

I would be inclined to bet a decent dinner that forum participation would drop, rather than rise, if people read a thread and then had to wonder if 'der wortpolizei' were going to nab them for the slightest deviation. Once we decide that slight deviation is ok but major deviation is not, then who decides the degree? When you find yourself pondering these things as you prepare to join a conversation, your witty responses often quickly change to 'meh,' and you move along to something more fun.

If you really want to kill forums, restricting participation is highly effective. I don't imagine that's our goal.

Ricky, I have been watching your interaction back and forth. As a neutral observer I would be lying if I said I saw anything but bitterness and resentment in your words. I don't know what the problem is, or why it manifests itself in criticism, but to you I say the same. These are forums, not private messages.

If you want unbroken, private conversations, the messages tab is where you want to be, and then let us know if Bizz hacks his way into your inbox. Otherwise, you have to know like any other bulletin board, threads are fair game. If you don't enjoy or approve of someone else's humor, (as long as it's not illegal or attacking another person) your basic options are the same as any of ours.
(a) Like it, or
(b) Lump it.

Either way, it's not for me, or Marie, or Biz, or fun, or anyone else to arbitrarily decide your humor doesn't measure up and that you need to stop. Who the hell are we to tell you what you're allowed to think is funny, or even what fits into a topic? Every human being connects their experiences and anecdotes differently, and I THOUGHT we were all here to share those.

More to the point, how livid would you be if the situation was reversed, and I took it upon myself to begin policing your posts?

We're all equals here, and we need to get along as equals, or else the forums just lose their luster and the tumbleweeds roll in.

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 01:44 PM starcar starcar
21 Mar, 2009
Posts: 110

And that kids is why we don't get online when we've been drinking beer all afternoon and evening. Good lord I'm embarrassed...............

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2012 at 05:15 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

OMG there is MORE drama coming to this site than you would find in an elementary school hallway!!!!! We are ALL supposed to be ADULTS here, grow the f**k up already.

You know what ricky, I myself sit here sometimes & wish certain people would stop invading EVERY post with their sometimes extremely CHILDISH comments. But even as outspoken as I am about things, I would NEVER attack them personally like you did here. The only exception to the public telling off for me are the loser jackasses who leave rude comments, they're fair game. But with that said, sometimes those STUPID comments are funny.

And while it may be annoying to see the threads deviate from the original thought, if we start banning EVERYONE who posts something we don't like, this will be a VERY BORING place to visit.

If we are going to ban anyone, let it be all the loser jackasses who don't appreciate those of us who put ourselves out there in all our nakedness.

We all come here for FUN!!!! I don't know about anyone else, but I have enough drama in my "real" life. I certainly don't need any from here. I left for a few months because I was sick of all the drama in the chat room. I came back because I missed chatting with those I have become friendly with.

If certain people are REALLY that fed up with what goes on the saying goes "THE DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS, DON'T LET IT HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT!!!" But LEAVE YOUR NASTY COMMENTS AT THE DOOR BEFORE YOU ENTER, should you decide to stay!!!! The rest of us don't care to read them!!!

Posted On: 10 Aug, 2012 at 04:38 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

I just want to add my two cents. I once wrote in the forum often. I've started many threads thinking the subject I wrote about would get many replies. But your totally right funstuff. In many cases, either my thread would get hijacked or it would get ignored. Either way it seemed pointless to try to start a thread and that's why you don't see me here in the forum very often anymore.

Posted On: 11 Aug, 2012 at 03:47 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 854

True, but if your always right like we women are, whats to disagree with? All you men just need to learn to agree, and all will be just fine. lol :)

funstuff xxoo