is it fair

Posted On: 14 Jul, 2018 at 08:25 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 854

Well your all missing the point, here is the deal. It's shoes, nail clippers and bottles of shampoo that are the real threat, why to you think the airlines take that shit from you. They don't look for any other weapons, do any of you have any idea how many times I've tried to board a plane with my toeless high heels on and I get to the boarding gate and they look at me a say, "bitch you are Not getting on our plane with those killer shoes" then they point at each other and say, "bitch must be crazy, body search her and look in all crevasses" then I'm like... "works every time" :)

Posted On: 15 Jul, 2018 at 09:52 AM judas-beast judas-beast
30 Aug, 2017
Posts: 306

(carson) Thanks for explaining a lil bit . Its all just a lil strange ta me is all m8 as we don't have guns over here for the public ta use and have at home . Im sure when i watch the news about the killings in yank land that they had fully automatic guns

Oh no starcatcher has been smoking mins weed again lol

I have noticed one thing through this thread and that is most of you have digs at sue in diffrent ways . Almost to the point of bullying her

Posted On: 15 Jul, 2018 at 10:59 AM mad2424 mad2424
27 Jul, 2008
Posts: 81

Beast, you went on and on about fully automatic weapons, which 99.9% of Americans are not allowed to own, America loses 6000 dead a year to handgun murders, yet all people want to to is regulate the ugly looking assault rifles, I just call bullshit on that. Most of our murders are inner city drug/gang murders which have more to do with our society, than our weapon of choice.

Posted On: 15 Jul, 2018 at 12:11 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 854

Please Don't be mean to each other. Your passion for your beliefs is enormous and I understand that and the fact that your all my friends, all of you. Please,.. I ask one thing of you all, stop the personal attacks, just stop. Please, it don't help, it makes others uncomfortable including myself and( I'm pretty rough around the edges). I'm not asking anyone to stop saying what their opinion is BUT! Just leave names out of your replies and don't attack any replies, just say your opinion and stop the mean personal rebuttals. I can't tell you ALL enough how much you ALL mean to me and I would really like it to be over with, NO more personal attacks please? pretty please, on my knees, hands folded in front of me, looking up into your eyes and begging you all to just please stop. please.. ty :)

funstuff xxoo

Posted On: 15 Jul, 2018 at 04:50 PM judas-beast judas-beast
30 Aug, 2017
Posts: 306

Oi mad you do know that if drugs was made legal all over the world crime would drop atleast 50 percent or more maybe even 70 percent . All people that use drugs could get the real thing and everyone would be happy .We let people smoke bacca and thats the most adictive drug on earth . And then there is the drinking we let happen . why not just go the whole hog and make everything ok ta use . world would be a much better place on acount most people wont even bother taking them

( funstuff) as ya down there could ya slurp on my cock a bit :-)

Hands starcatcher his water guns lol

Posted On: 16 Jul, 2018 at 01:18 PM sir69er sir69er
3 Dec, 2015
Posts: 123


Everyone keeps this shit going and going and going ,,,we need all this energy to be put to ,,,
Fornicating ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Paaaalease !!!!!

Posted On: 17 Jul, 2018 at 08:55 AM judas-beast judas-beast
30 Aug, 2017
Posts: 306

Long live drama and banter at Pv i say :-)

Slaps Mr69 on the back and gets him a beer at the bar

Posted On: 14 Aug, 2018 at 06:05 PM nuesue nuesue
18 Feb, 2013
Posts: 300

maybe electing someone that walks thru a dressing room full of young teens - to look at their pussies... maybe not a very good idea?

innocent teenybopper girls having lite fun in a beauty contest - 61 yo trump was there because he 's gotta look at young pussy. asshole.

'hey girls - which of you are going to shave your pussies when you grow up?" yeah, a certified fucking asshole.

not a day goes by without shit spewing out of that asshole looking face.

did you see that shit's explanation for the California fires? it was because California is foolishly diverting water to the pacific ocean - hahaha! only the stupidist dumbassed motherfucker ould come up with that line - hahaha!

but, consider him on your own personal level - just this morning he called a black woman a dog.

presidents should be a role model for your youth. seems he had his son lie for him. having a son lie for his mistakes and other lies, is the lowest of the low. how could any human being do that? huh? especially lying to the authorities. that makes me not only sad for the dumb kid, but ill.

that shit of calling labron james dumb. a man that started a school for at risk youth, providing them with nutrition, uniforms, college tuition bikes, helmets etc...

compare that to pos potus - beat up his wife, fucked pornstars and playboy bunnies while his wife was having a baby. and looking at teenybopper pussies.

football players peacfully and completly defining their righ to protest, being called sons of bitches.

shit like he's doing is the first step towards ethnic cleansing. that's never turned out well. he's feeding weak minded loser kkk'ers, Nazis lovers, alt righters, weird stuff like that a alnon etc.

compare that to our crazy motherfucker - doing all he can to destroy nato, trade alliances, calling the free press the enemy of the people. promoting putin as an ally. russia considers the us and western alliances as the enemy. we are supposed to consider them a friend. only a fucking idiot would think that way.

yeah, this racial division is a very bad thing. saw some nut on fox lamenting and crying about the increasing population of non whites compared to the white population.

her complaint wasn't about immigrants, just brown people. but for immigrants - our economy would never survive without them. the entire food supply, construction, hi tech.
huge pcntg immigrants, zero pcntg unemployed coal miners improving their lives.

i just can't get over his stupid explaination for the california fires - haha!

a monkey placed in front of a typewriter for ten minutes could peck out something that makes more sense than him. haha dumber than a monkey - haha

Posted On: 14 Aug, 2018 at 06:58 PM carsonx26 carsonx26
22 Oct, 2017
Posts: 336

Hey only gonna comment on one part of your post, cause i really dont care to dive into your feeling about the president.
As for the fox news comments, not good, i agree...but as for your comment about we would be lost without immigrants, i agree and disagree....the immigrants that come here legally, yes, we would be lost without them because they do make up much of the work force that is our high tech jobs. The ones that come here illegally are usually not those people....they are lower in education for the most part do farming or manual labor type jobs that no one else wants to do. Most will live off the system...collecting government assistance.
Now before you go off on a rant, know this. I deal with them every day...i know what im saying....and believe me, they know all about our laws, all about our government assistance programs, and they know exactly how to use it....hell, most of them know our laws better than we do. Just something to think i know you want everyone to come here and be happy and all that, but thats unrealistic. We would never be able to sustain the cost. We are already in debt trillions of dollars and growing....just another though.

As far as coal miners...thats just a really shitty thing to say sue. They are needed. At the time, it was a very well paying job, that communities built around the mines and people made a decent living...times change, people move to other forms of energy...the coal miner gets left behind. Im sure they would love a shot at bettering themselves, but how can they? Most have families to support and im sure they dont have a spare 20k to spend on a community college. Why dont we spend some of the money we give the illegals on the coal miners? Im sure they would be more than grateful and love the opportunity to try and better there situation. But to make a crack about them is pretty low, and no better than what you claim to be against.

Ok..end of my whatever this is. Have at it sue

Posted On: 14 Aug, 2018 at 09:51 PM mad2424 mad2424
27 Jul, 2008
Posts: 81

nate, you couldnt just let this alone