better refernce/link?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 12 Jul, 2009 at 09:06 PM JaSven JaSven
6 Jan, 2009
Posts: 3

hello- often I note that the preview of pics and videos are excellent: for example:
Me & My Boyfriend Play
Having some XXX hardcore fun in the afternoon!

however when you go the the relevant section in hardcore vids there is often no way to tell what video or pic set it was. so you are left to check each and every title for several minutes... or go to other sites where the thumbs allow for much better searching of vids

. I can understand that in retail you would want to encourage browsing but as a paid member you already have my money lol- wouldnt a more efficient method be more user friendly? Is there some way to link direct to the relevant pics and vids?